Share Your Velocity Experience

It seems that everyone has a story about Velocity.  As I was working on these Velocity paintings, I would periodically visit Montanya for social gatherings and I noticed the beautiful spaces, with empty walls. I considered the people who come to Montanya, like Silverton Mountain skiers and others who have had such deep experiences in Velocity.

After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories and experiences are the thing we need most in the world.  Each person’s experience is like a fingerprint: no two perspectives quite the same, but all sharing common traits while being uniquely personal. For myself, the Velocity experience isn’t any one activity, story or feat. It’s a state of mind. The spirit of adventure within. It’s this spirit that manifests itself in so many awe-inspiring ways, whether it’s new music, art, sports, food or just living in every sense of the word.

It’s a gentle reminder that it’s not all about energy drinks and doing the most extreme things; sometimes adventure is just as simple as plucking yourself out of your normal, everyday routine and reconnecting with nature and each other. Maybe your story is enjoying a quiet conversation as the sun sets over our diverse landscape. Or maybe it’s pushing yourself to reach your peak, both physically and emotionally, at one of the many nearby majestic mountaintops. It’s all there for us to enjoy – it’s just a matter of actually enjoying it.

I am collecting stories about Velocity for an exhibit. Share your Velocity Basin experience by posting a comment below, on Facebook, or by sending me an email.

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.”

-John Muir

Backpacking in the San Juans

Wanted to share the beautiful scenery from my backpacking trip this summer in the San Juan Mountains. This is where I camp while painting. Enjoy.